Time since last reboot: 2 days, 4 hours, 43 minutes
Web Uptime:
TuXs Internet services
Best Quality Linux Web Hosting
TuXs Internet Services has been around since end
2004, we origionally operated as a small company
in which we offered free hosting accounts. We have
now migrated with a broader range of services from
web site development to web site hosting. Our main
objective is to supply each customer individually
with the service that suits them. We can get your
company online, using the latest web technology.
Our staff are 100% dedicated to offer you and your
company reliable services with telephone support
and rapid response. We specialize in PHP and mySQL
Implementation for your web site. Our staff will
take you through the necessary steps to start your
Our main aim is to continue to grow while offering
our customers web hosting services, remote access
to our system via FTP. We guarantee to provide quality
hosting including daily backups and DR (Disaster
Recovery) services.